3 Timeless Lessons I Learned From Barack Obama’s Book

4 min read

If Barack Obama called, would you answer it? Some would, other’s may not. Regardless of your political views, lessons are still lessons and so I am going to assume you would. If that is the case, this article is written for you. This past winter has been, let’s say, tough. Not just a grind. A grind is a regular winter or an average year for most. This winter was way more challenging than the average. Living through lockdowns during cold, darker winter months is not easy. However, one of the most beautiful things that came out of this fallow season was…...

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Ryan Fahey Hi, I am Ryan Fahey, a 3x Author, Business Owner, and Educator From Ottawa, Canada. I am most concerned about the same topic that I am equally passionate about - wellbeing. As a remote worker, I am deeply curious how we can continue to maintain our wellbeing in order to thrive in remote working environments.

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